You can download the Gradebook to:
- Work with student grades in a program such as Excel;
- Retain a copy of student grades for your records.
Once downloaded, grades can be filed and stored, or changed offline and then uploaded back to the Gradebook.
It is a best practice to regularly create backups of student grades throughout the term and after each major assessment.
Step by Step Instructions for Exporting Grades
1. Select Grades from the Course Menu.
2. If the Student numbers are not already showing in your Gradebook, you can
- Hover over the Student Name cell at the top of the Gradebook until 3 dots appear on the right-hand side of the cell
- Click on the 3 dots and select Secondary info
- Select Integration ID
The student numbers should now appear.
3. Select the Export button.
4. You will see a "Gradebook export started" message, which will appear in a banner above the Gradebook.
5. A dialogue box will appear asking you to either open or save the CSV file on your computer.
The CSV file will contain student names, sections, student numbers and UTORids. You can open this file using a spreadsheet application, such as Excel.
Note: You will need to create Gradebook columns before exporting grades.
Working with Downloaded Grades
To add or change grades in a downloaded file, locate the Gradebook file and open it in Excel, or another similar application. The downloaded spreadsheet will look much like the online version of your Gradebook, with the same columns and existing data. Add or change grades in the relevant cells, and save the updated document using the same format.
If you will be uploading edited grades from the spreadsheet back into Gradebook do not make any changes to column headings. Each heading contains a unique identifier number that must remain the same in order for the upload to work properly.
Batch Download, Grade, Batch Upload
Another alternative workflow is to batch download student submissions, grade them, and then batch upload them. Note: You will need to distribute the files if you have multiple graders.
- Go to the Assignments area and click on the assignment.
- Select Download Submissions.
- Save the zipped file that contains all of the assignments and click on the OK button.
- Unzip the compressed file. Open each file individually. Add grades and comments.
- Save each file and do not change the name of the file.
- Follow the same steps for all of the student submission files.
- Once the grades and comments have been added to each file, compress the folder.
- Go back to the assignment. Select Re-Upload Submissions.
- Select the compressed file with the saved graded submissions.
- Click on Upload Files. Two options are then provided, - to go Back to Assignment Page or to go Back to Gradebook. Select Back to Gradebook.
- Click on the cell and click on the arrow that appears on the right and select SpeedGrader.
- The graded uploaded file will be in the Assignment Comments as an attached file. Add a grade and click on the Submit button. Note: For large classes, another option is to download the Gradebook and provide each grader with a spreadsheet with the students in their tutorial and have a head TA upload the grades and graded assignment submission files.
- Go to the top right-hand corner and follow the same steps for the next student’s work.
Batch Download, Grade, Batch Upload - Video (2 mins 14 s)
Note: Although we we do not recommend the use of letter grades, please note that the if letter grades are entered into the gradebook, they will appear as a percentage in the exported CSV file when grades are exported.