Setting a Home Page for your Course

You are able to set a home page in your Quercus course. For your home page you have the following options:

  1. Course Activity Stream (A list of important recent activities like announcements, discussions, assignments, and conversations)
  2. Pages Front Page (A Quercus page you create and then assign as your home page)
  3. Course Modules (A list of the modules in the course - this is the default home page in Quercus)
  4. Assignments List (A list of assignments in your course)
  5. Syllabus (The Syllabus page on Quercus)

To choose your course home page, enter your course and then select "Choose Home Page" from the right-side menu.

Screenshot of the course home page with the choose course home page menu option highlighted


Select your desired home page and then click "Save".

Choose Home Page options box

Additional Resources

The Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation has developed helpful modules on how to create a welcoming home page.  Enroll in the Self-Paced CTSI Build a Welcoming Home Page in Quercus Module.