Moderating a Quiz

As an instructor, you can moderate a published quiz (e.g., provide time extensions, add additional attempts, etc.) using the following steps.  Note:  This can be done after a quiz has been published and before students begin taking the quiz.  You can also use Moderate This Quiz to monitor student progress during the quiz.

  1. Go to Quizzes and click on the name of the published quiz.
  2. Click on the Moderate This Quiz text that is on the right-hand side of the page.
  3. You can search for a specific student using the Filter button.
  4. You will be able to see information regarding Attempt Time Attempts Left Score  for each student.  As well, there is also a pencil icon that can be clicked for each student to allow you to add additional attempts and a tickbox Manually unlock the quiz for the next attempt should you wish to manually unlock subsequent quiz attempts. Note:  If you select this option, then the quiz will become immediately available to the student. 
  5. Once you have made changes (e.g., added additional attempts) you would then click on the Save  button.

Note:  You can use Moderate This Quiz to monitor students taking the quiz real-time.  More information is provided in the section Add Extra Time on Current attempt on the following webpage - The quiz availability dates still apply, which means that if the Until date and time passes and a student is taking a quiz with extended time, the quiz will auto-submit, even if the time extension has not yet expired. 

Moderating a Quiz