Remote Wellness Supports

We have created this list to connect you with the wellness resources available through the University of Toronto and around the world. Start exploring by selecting one of the categories below, and discover the many ways we can help you Drop Everything and Relax!

Have suggestions for additional resources? Send your ideas to Rob Makinson or Donna Liu.

For additional resources and support related to wellness at UTM, please contact the Health & Counselling Centre.



E-Books icon

Open Library: Create an Internet Archive account and borrow e-books from all around the world! This site contains a mix of popular an academic content, so there is something for everyone. Let the Library of Congress take you a on a tour of books that shaped America and the rest of the world. Discover classics that bring other places to life, or re-read an old favourite!

Public libraries

Public libraries icon

Your local public library gives you access to many online resources and services, including e-books! Don’t have a public library card? Apply for one now: Get a Mississauga Library card | Get a Toronto Public Library card | Get a Brampton Library card

Hoopla: This digital media service gives you access to movies, music, audiobooks, e-books, comics, and much more—all through your public library.